Saturday, January 25
4:30 – 5:30PM
Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue
New York, NY
The AFA is pleased to partner with The Winter Show for a special lecture by Dr. Tim Barringer, Chair and Paul Mellon Professor, Department of the History of Art, Yale University and co-curator of the AFA exhibition Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts & Crafts Movement.
This lecture, based on the arguments of Victorian Radicals, explains how artists, designers and critics in 19th-century Britain rejected industrialization and the desecration of the environment in the modern city. Instead, designers led by William Morris offered a return to the hand-made and to natural materials, while the Pre-Raphaelites and their followers pursued a rigorous realism inspired by early Italian and Flemish painting. Towards the end of the century, the Arts & Crafts Movement embraced communitarian ideals, and women artists emerged as key contributors. Victorian Radicals opens at Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT on February 13, 2020.
*AFA Members receive discounted Daily Admission Tickets with special promo code.
Admission to the lecture is complimentary with fair passes; seating is on a first-come basis.
For questions and discount code, contact:
About The Winter Show
The Winter Show is a leading art, antiques, and design fair, featuring 72 of the world’s top experts in the fine and decorative arts. It is an annual benefit for East Side House Settlement, a community-based organization serving the Bronx and Northern Manhattan. East Side House’s programs focus on education and technology as gateways out of poverty and as the keys to economic opportunity.
All revenues from the fair’s general admissions and the net proceeds from the Opening Night Party and other special events benefit East Side House and contribute substantially to its private philanthropic budget. No part of sales made by exhibitors is received by East Side House.